Introduction to partial differential equations
Arrigo, Daniel
Introduction to partial differential equations - 2nd edition - Cham : Springer, 2023. - x, 203 pages : illustrations (31 b/w, 26 in colour) - Synthesis lectures on mathematics & statistics, 1938-1743 .
Includes bibliographical references and index.
This textbook is an introduction to the methods needed to solve partial differential equations (PDEs). Readers are introduced to PDEs that come from a variety of fields in engineering and the natural sciences. The chapters include the following topics: First Order PDEs, Second Order PDEs, Fourier Series, Separation of Variables, the Fourier Transform, and higher dimensional problems. Readers are guided through these chapters where techniques for solving first and second order PDEs are introduced. Each chapter ends with series of exercises to facilitate learning as well as illustrate the material presented in each chapter.
Differential equations
Fourier analysis
Advection equation
Diffusion equation
Laplace’s equation
Fourier transform
Charpit’s method
517.95 / ARR-I
Introduction to partial differential equations - 2nd edition - Cham : Springer, 2023. - x, 203 pages : illustrations (31 b/w, 26 in colour) - Synthesis lectures on mathematics & statistics, 1938-1743 .
Includes bibliographical references and index.
This textbook is an introduction to the methods needed to solve partial differential equations (PDEs). Readers are introduced to PDEs that come from a variety of fields in engineering and the natural sciences. The chapters include the following topics: First Order PDEs, Second Order PDEs, Fourier Series, Separation of Variables, the Fourier Transform, and higher dimensional problems. Readers are guided through these chapters where techniques for solving first and second order PDEs are introduced. Each chapter ends with series of exercises to facilitate learning as well as illustrate the material presented in each chapter.
Differential equations
Fourier analysis
Advection equation
Diffusion equation
Laplace’s equation
Fourier transform
Charpit’s method
517.95 / ARR-I