geoENV VII-Geostatistics for Environmental Applications
geoENV VII-Geostatistics for Environmental Applications
- Dordrecht Springer Netherlands, Imprint: Springer, 2010.
Mathematics and Statistics (Springer-11649)
9789048123223, 978-90-481-2322-3
Earth Sciences, general
Statistics for Engineering, Physics, Computer Science, Chemistry and Earth Sciences
Earth Sciences
Environmental Monitoring/Analysis
Environmental sciences
Math. Appl. in Environmental Science
550, / 23
Mathematics and Statistics (Springer-11649)
9789048123223, 978-90-481-2322-3
Earth Sciences, general
Statistics for Engineering, Physics, Computer Science, Chemistry and Earth Sciences
Earth Sciences
Environmental Monitoring/Analysis
Environmental sciences
Math. Appl. in Environmental Science
550, / 23